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  • 360 Grad Bild (HTML Code): <a class="Magic360" data-options="columns: 73; rows: 1;"><img src="images/stories/produkte/ACA/360-webp/01.webp" /></a>
  • Untersuchung von:
    • Eigenschaft: paper
    • Eigenschaft: board
    • Eigenschaft: plastic film
  • Vorteile:
    • Vorteil: non- destructive measurement without combustion
    • Vorteil: quantitative determination of individual fillers
    • Vorteil: availability of the results within seconds (approx. 60 sec.)
    • Vorteil: high accuracy of measurements
    • Vorteil: easy handling (self-explanatory operation)
    • Vorteil: results independent of operator
    • Vorteil: easy portable (in a trolley)
    • Vorteil: savings in time and energy (compared to combustion)
    • Vorteil: optimal process control due to instant availability of measuring results
    • Vorteil: efficient calibration of online ash sensors (especially in case of frequent grade changes)
  • Produktbeschreibung:

    With the combustion method according to ISO 2144, DIN 54370, TAPPI T 413 and 211, which is traditionally applied in the paper industry, the total content and a few selected individual fillers can only be determined through an extremely time- and energy-consuming and in routine operation relatively inaccurate combustion of the samples at different temperatures (+/- 5%, operator dependent!). The combustion method is also disadvantageous due to its destructive measuring procedure.

    By the use of the emtec ACA Ash Content Analyzer with its new and innovative measuring principle the total ash content (fillers and pigments), but also the percentage content of the typical fillers in the paper industry can be determined within seconds without combustion of the samples, i.e., non-destructive.

    The quick measuring procedure leads to an almost instant availability of measuring results and therefore allows for an indeed immediate reaction to changes in the process:

    • Immense material savings can be achieved through the reduction of process fluctuations
    • The consumption of fillers can be reduced, as the immediate availability of results and the high accuracy of the ACA enables the narrowing down of the specifications for the filler content in the finished product, resulting in a much more efficiently organized process optimization (e.g. retention optimization)
    • Costs for energy of the combustion process can be saved. Thus, the use of the new measuring device guarantees a fast "return on investment" by a substantial reduction of costs in material, time, and energy
  • Anwender: Chemical suppliers, Paper producers , Paper converters, Board producers , Corrugated board producers , Pulp producers, Universities & Institutes, Producers of pigments
  • Anwendungsgebiete: Process optimization, Product optimization, R&D, Incoming control, Quality assurance, Complaint management, Troubleshooting
  • Ergebnisse:
    • Wert:

      % value

      , Beschreibung:

      Total filler content

    • Wert:

      Individual fillers (%)

      , Beschreibung:

      Calcium carbonate, Titan dioxide, Kaolin/Talcum, Barium sulfate, Iron oxide

  • technische Daten:
    • Titel: device dimensions (H x W x D), Wert: approx. 43.1 x 32.1 x 26.1 cm (folded), Beschreibung: approx. 43.1 x 32.1 x 38.3 cm (unfolded)
    • Titel: weight, Wert: approx. 15 kg
    • Titel: measuring principle , Wert: X-ray fluorescence analysis
    • Titel: radiation source, Wert: X-ray tube (gold, 10 kV, 5 μA)
    • Titel: accuracy of measurement, Wert: approx. ≤ ±1-2 % (abs.)
    • Titel: measurement time, Wert: approx. 60 sec
    • Titel: grammage max., Wert: 1000 g/m2
    • Titel: power supply, Wert: 100 - 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)
  • Downloads:
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (English), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_en.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (French), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_fr.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Spanish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_es.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Italian), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_it.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Turkish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_tr.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Swedish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_se.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Japanese), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_jp.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Chinese), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_zh.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Russia), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_ru.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Polish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/01_Leaflet/emtec_ACA_leaflet_pl.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Booklet (English), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/02_Booklet/emtec_ACA_Ash_Content_Analyzer_booklet_en.pdf
  • Applikationsbeispiele inaktiv: Nein
  • Applikationsbeispiele: Evaluation of decor paper with the ACA: what fillers and what amount of each is in the paper
  • Videos:
    • Vorschaubild: , Videodatei: images/stories/infomaterial/02_ACA/05_Produktvideos/10_Internet/aca-1080.mp4
  • Zubehör inaktiv: Ja
  • verwandte Produkte: CAS touch! - Charge Analyzing System, EST 12 - Surface and Sizing Tester, FPA touch! - Fiber Potential Analyzer, FPO - Fiber Potential Analyzer online, PDA.C 02 MST - Module Standard, Sample Punch
With a completely new and innovative measuring principle, the emtec ACA Ash Content Analyzer measures the total filler content and the individual fillers, which are typically used in the paper industry, of paper and board. Compared to the traditional combustion method, the ACA measures non-destructive and provides the results within seconds.
  • 360 Grad Bild (HTML Code): <a class="Magic360"><img src="images/stories/produkte/BBT/bbt.png" /></a>
  • Untersuchung von:
    • Eigenschaft: tissue paper
  • Vorteile:
    • Vorteil: menu-driven measurement
    • Vorteil: integrated measurement of ambient temperature and humidity
    • Vorteil: easy handling
    • Vorteil: robust construction
    • Vorteil: objective measuring method
    • Vorteil: free from subjective influences
    • Vorteil: high reproducibility of the results
  • Produktbeschreibung:

    The test piece is fixed between two concentric circular rings. The spherical head is fixed to the retaining arm and once the test is started moves downwards to the test piece at a defined speed until the test piece is punctured. The maximum force for this test is measured and displayed.

    The tissue sheets require the following size: Ø 112.8 mm.

  • Anwender: Chemical suppliers, Tissue producers, Tissue converters, Universities & Institutes
  • Anwendungsgebiete: Production control, Product optimization, Benchmarking, R&D
  • Ergebnisse:
    • Wert: N , Beschreibung: Burst resistance
  • technische Daten:
    • Titel: device dimensions, Wert: 44 x 19 x 47 cm (H x W x D)
    • Titel: weight, Wert: approx. 19 kg
    • Titel: sample dimension, Wert: 11.28 cm (H x W x D)
    • Titel: power supply, Wert: 85-264VAC, 50/60Hz
  • Applikationsbeispiele inaktiv: Ja
  • Zubehör inaktiv: Nein
  • Zubehör: Sample Punch
  • verwandte Produkte: TSA - Tactile Sensation Analyzer, TSA - Tissue Softness Analyzer
The burst resistance measurement (dry) determines the resistance of tissue paper against mechanical penetration by a spherical head. Burst strength in accordance with DIN EN ISO 12625-9:2015-05.
German-based testing device manufacturer emtec Electronic will exhibit an innovative product portfolio designed to improve processes and product quality, reduce waste and save energy at the Paper & Biorefinery trade conference from May 24-25 in Graz, Austria. Organized by the Academic Paper Engineering Association of the Graz University of Technology (APV Graz), the annual trade fair brings together major names and newcomers from the pulp, paper and board industries for two days of idea exchange and networking. This year’s focus is on sustainable energy solutions, and the lineup includes...
The German developer, producer and distributor of innovative paper testing technologies will be present at the International Pulp and Paper Congress and Exhibition ABTCP 2024 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from October 1 to 3. emtec Electronic will showcase its wet-end control solutions and the objective softness-detecting TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer. The ABTCP 2024 offers the perfect opportunity to discover new trends, technologies and learn about the companies´ initiatives in environmental, social and executive sectors. Together with Elof Hansson, the Brazilian partner company, emtec Electronic...
The Tissue World Trade Show and Conference will take place in Milan, Italy from March 25th to 27th, and the German company emtec Electronic GmbH will attend and present their innovative testing instruments at booth no. F740. Centerpiece of the booth will be the well-known TSA Tissue Softness Analyzer, which is used to reliably evaluate the softness, smoothness and stiffness as well as the overall Hand Feel of tissue and nonwoven materials.Recently, emtec has introduced a new test method, which enables the measurement of the influence of different fiber mixes (long and short fiber ratio) to...
The Germany-based device manufacturer emtec Electronic will introduce its latest innovation in objective haptic measurement for textiles and nonwovens from June 19-21, 2023 at the Outdoor Retailer Summer event in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Outdoor enthusiasts are always on the lookout for high-performance, durable recreational clothing that goes the extra mile in terms of comfort. When designing a garment’s tactile properties, it pays for manufacturers to have objective data on hand. Quality markers of comfort, such as softness, smoothness, flexibility and recovery behavior, form the standard...
Leipzig-based testing equipment manufacturer emtec Electronic will present progressive solutions for reducing broke, automating processes, and optimizing product quality at the Zellcheming Expo from June 20-22 in Wiesbaden, Germany.  Accurate testing is key to ensuring an efficient papermaking process and a high product quality. From knowledge of the pulp, to the mineral filler content, surface porosity, hydrophobia and haptics, having reliable data on hand enables manufacturers to achieve their production goals and a quick Return-On-Investment. In addition, easy digitization of the results...
Auch in diesem Jahr trifft sich die Zellstoff-, Papier- und Zulieferindustrie auf der Zellcheming Expo 2019 in Frankfurt am Main. Vom 25. bis 27. Juni präsentiert die Firma emtec Electronic ihre innovativen Messgeräte in Halle 4.1 auf dem Stand Nummer G18, mit denen der gesamte Produktionsprozess kontrolliert und korrigiert werden kann. Zu Beginn dieses Jahres feierte emtec Electronic einen großen Erfolg: der 300. TSA - Tissue Softness Analyzer wurde verkauft. Das Gerät wird derzeit in 48 Ländern weltweit genutzt. Insbesondere für Zellstoffprodukte liefert der TSA zuverlässige und objektive...
Am 5. und 6. Juni trifft man auch in diesem Jahr alle Insider aus dem Sektor Zellstoff/Papier und Bioraffinerie bei der Paper & Biorefinery Konferenz in Graz, Österreich. So auch den deutschen Entwickler und Hersteller innovativer Messgeräte, die Firma emtec Electronic GmbH. Vom Nassbereich bis zum Endprodukt ermöglicht die Anwendung der Geräte einen effizienten Prozess, um die bestmögliche Qualität mit dem kleinstmöglichen Aufwand zu erzielen und zu sichern. Im Nassbereich der Papier- und Kartonproduktion gehören zwei Ladungsmessgeräte zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen der Firma: das CAS touch!...
From June 05th to 06th, the Paper & Biorefinery Conference 2019 takes place in Graz, Austria and people from the pulp, paper and biorefinery sector come together. The German developer and producer of innovative testing equipment, emtec Electronic GmbH, will showcase a variety of its instruments. From the wet end to the finished product, the application of the equipment enables an efficient process, to get the best possible quality with the lowest possible costs. The smallest, lightest and most-modern charge measuring systems for the wet-end in paper and board production are the CAS touch!...
The Leipzig-based manufacturer of testing equipment for the pulp, paper, tissue and board industry will present solutions to automate quality control and improve product quality from June 12-14 at the XV Scientific and Technical Conference and Exhibition INPAP 2023 in Lodz.  The INPAP Conference, hosted by the Centre of Papermaking and Printing at Lodz University of Technology, brings together industry professionals to present scientific research regarding new developments in the manufacture of pulp, paper, tissue and board. Emtec Electronic will be attending the event as an exhibitor to present...
Also this year, emtec Electronic GmbH will have a booth at the International Munich Paper Symposium from March 27th to 29th. The company will present a variety of testing instruments by which the complete production process can be controlled and guided in the right direction. From the wet end to the finished product, the application of the equipment enables an efficient process, to get the best possible quality with the lowest possible costs. The ACA Ash Content Analyzer enables the determination of the mineral filler content without combustion, that means without destruction of the samples,...
The pulp, paper and supplier industry will meet also this year at the Zellcheming Expo 2019 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. From June 25th to 27th the company emtec Electronic will present their innovative measuring devices in hall 4.1 at the booth no. G18, by which the complete production process can be controlled and guided in the right direction. At the beginning of this year, emtec Electronic celebrated a great success: the 300th TSA Tissue Softness Analyzer has been sold. The device is now used in 48 countries, in each part of the world. Especially for tissue products, the TSA gives reliable...
Emtec Electronic at MIAC 2019 in Lucca, Italy Leipzig, Germany 06.09.2019 – From October 09th to 11th, the German developer and producer of innovative testing equipment, emtec Electronic GmbH,will present a variety of its test instruments. The application of this equipment enables an efficient process and process control from the wet end to the finished product and helps to achieve the best possible quality with the lowest possible cost. The state-of-the-art charge measuring systems for the wet end in paper and board production are the CAS touch! and the FPA touch! (small, light and easy to...
Emtec Electronic at TissueCon 2019, Orlando / Florida Leipzig, Germany 06.09.2019 – With the emtec TSATissue Softness Analyzer, the objective measurement of the three basic parameters that determine the human feeling is already possible. At the TissueCon Orlando, USA, from October 1st to 4th, the company will present its well-known softness testing instrument together with new features to the tissue industry. The human feeling is a very complex process. Different receptors in the human skin are responsible to feel the components that determine the human feeling. The three basic parameters...
The TSA – Tissue Softness Analyzer represents a nearly perfect simulation of the human hand and shows excellent results in measuring base tissue and finished tissue products (toilet paper, handkerchiefs, facials). In case of hand sheets made in the lab, the device also convinced in measuring the influence of pulp quality (short fibers), refining or softener. But it was limited until now to measure the influence of different compositions of long and short fibers to the softness of hand sheets, and thus, to predict the haptic quality of tissue products. The German company emtec Electronic, which...
Emtec Electronic at Tissue World Sao Paulo, Brazil Leipzig, Germany 06.09.2019 – With the emtec TSA Softness Analyzer, the objective measurement of the three basic parameters that determine the human feeling is already possible and the method is well accepted in the industry. At the Tissue World Sao Paulo, Brazil, from October 22th to 24th, the company will present its well-known softness testing instrument and some very helpful upgrade possibilities on the device at booth no G13. The human feeling is a very complex process and realized by four different receptors in the human skin. This makes...
  • 360 Grad Bild (HTML Code): <a class="Magic360" data-options="columns: 85; rows: 1;reverse-column: true;"><img src="images/stories/produkte/Sample-Punch/360-webp/01.webp" /></a>
  • Vorteile:
    • Vorteil: no pressure is built up by the knife and the haptic on the material will not be destroyed
    • Vorteil: replaceble knife
    • Vorteil: robust and easy handeling
    • Vorteil: adjustable heights of the knife enable a better handling
  • Produktbeschreibung:

    The sample punch is mainly used as an accessory of the TSA Tissue Softness Analyzer / Tactile Sensation Analyzer. Since other tests in the industry work with similar sample sizes, the punch can of course also be used for other tests independent from the TSA.

  • Anwender: Chemical suppliers, Tissue producers, Tissue converters, Pulp producers, Nonwovens producers, Nonwovens converters, Textile producers , Textile converters, Universities & Institutes, Retailers
  • Anwendungsgebiete: R&D, Incoming control, Quality assurance
  • Ergebnisse:
    • Wert:


      , Beschreibung:

      ∅112,8mm / 100cm²

  • technische Daten:
    • Titel: device dimensions, Wert: 39.85 x 25 x 40 cm (H x W x D)
    • Titel: weight, Wert: approx. 29.8 kg
  • Downloads:
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet-Tissue (English), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/05_Sample_Punch/emtec_TSA_Sample_Punch_leaflet_tissue_en.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet-Nonwoven-Textil (English), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/05_Sample_Punch/emtec_TSA_Sample_Punch_leaflet_nw_textile_en.pdf
  • Applikationsbeispiele inaktiv: Ja
  • Zubehör inaktiv: Ja
  • verwandte Produkte: BBT - Ball Burst Tester, TSA - Tactile Sensation Analyzer, TSA - Tissue Softness Analyzer
100cm² (diameter = 112.8mm) is the optimal sample size for many different tests in the pulp and paper, nonwoven and textile industry. With the emtec sample punch, several plies of the three different materials can be cut.
The paper and packaging professionals will meet again this year at Tappi´s PaperCon 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA from May 05th to 08th. At booth no. 707, the company Technidyne will be the contact for all inquiries regarding the innovative testing equipment from the German company emtec Electronic GmbH. The representative from the U.S. will showcase a variety of testing instruments by which the complete production process can be controlled and guided in the right direction. From the wet end to the finished product, the application of the equipment enables an efficient process, to get the...
The Germany-based company emtec Electronic will showcase a groundbreaking innovation in haptic measurement for textiles and nonwovens from July 6-8, 2023 at the Textile Fairs India in New Delhi. The TFI Delhi encompasses six shows, including Yarnex, F&A, Indigo, and Homtex, and is expected to attract high-level buyers and suppliers from all over the world.  A new measuring device from emtec Electronic aims to revolutionize the way textile manufacturers test the haptic of their products. All of the parameters responsible for determining a fabric’s hand-feel can now be objectively measured...
  • 360 Grad Bild (HTML Code): <a class="Magic360" data-options="columns: 73; rows: 1;"><img src="images/stories/produkte/TSA/360-webp/01.webp" /></a>
  • Untersuchung von:
    • Eigenschaft: tissue
  • Vorteile:
    • Vorteil: objective measurement of the softness, roughness and stiffness (results for each parameter individually available)
    • Vorteil: measurement of the compressibility, crumplability and burst resistance with special modules possible
    • Vorteil: calculation of a so-called hand feel (HF) value by different mathematical models
    • Vorteil: very good correlation with the human tactile sensation
    • Vorteil: accurate and reliable
    • Vorteil: easy handling
    • Vorteil: transportable
  • Produktbeschreibung:

    Softness, roughness and stiffness are the three basic haptic parameters, which determine the human hand feel. But, in comparison to the human hand, the device provides these three parameters as individual values. By the help of special algorithms, these three single parameters can be combined to so-called hand feel (HF) values. With the right mathematical model, a correlation to the human expectation of up to almost 100 percent is possible.

    The emtec TSA Tissue Softness Analyzer is already subject of a released TAPPI Technical Information Paper (TIP). The critically peer-reviewed technical specification document investigates the specialized measuring instrument that is able to simulate the sensory properties of the human hand when touching tissue paper products. TAPPI TIP 0808-07, titled “Objective Determination of the Haptic Properties of Tissue Products, Technical Information Paper TIP 0808-07 (2021)” covers the theoretical background of haptics, how the TSA device measures the three basic parameters for determining haptic feel, and discusses application possibilities for the paper manufacturing process and quality assurance. For more information on TAPPI Standards, Technical Information Papers, or Useful Methods, visit here

  • Anwender: Chemical suppliers, Paper machine builders, Tissue producers, Tissue converters, Pulp producers, Universities & Institutes, Retailers
  • Anwendungsgebiete: Process optimization, Process control, Production control, Product optimization, Benchmarking, R&D, Incoming control, Quality assurance, Complaint management, Troubleshooting
  • Ergebnisse:
    • Wert:


      , Beschreibung:


    • Wert:


      , Beschreibung:


    • Wert:


      , Beschreibung:

      In-plane stiffness 

    • Wert:

      , Beschreibung:


    • Wert:

      , Beschreibung:


    • Wert:

      , Beschreibung:


  • technische Daten:
    • Titel: device dimensions, Wert: 19 x 44 x 47 cm (W x H x D)
    • Titel: weight , Wert: 19 kg
    • Titel: supply voltage , Wert: 115-230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
    • Titel: sample dimension, Wert: 112,8 mm
  • Downloads:
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (English), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_en.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Booklet (English), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/02_Booklet/emtec_TSA_Tissue_Softness_Analyzer_booklet_en.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (French), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_fr.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Spanish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_es.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Italian), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_it.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Turkish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_tr.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Swedish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_se.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Japenese), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_jp.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Chinese), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_zh.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Russia), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_ru.pdf
    • Beschriftung : Leaflet (Polish), Link: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/01_Tissue/01_Leaflet/emtec_TSA_leaflet_pl.pdf
  • Applikationsbeispiele inaktiv: Nein
  • Applikationsbeispiele: Optimization of the blade life time, Optimizing the amount of lotion, which is often added in the tissue converting
  • Videos:
    • Vorschaubild: , Videodatei: images/stories/infomaterial/01_TSA/08_Produktvideos/01_TSA/10_Daten_Website/TSA_Produktvideo_vertont_1080p_YT
  • Success Stories & Wissenschaftliche Studien:
    • Beschriftung: Influence of Tissue Paper Converting Conditions on Finished Product Softness, Link:
    • Beschriftung: A New Method to Evaluate the Hand-Feel Potential of Furnishes for Tissue Paper Products, Link:
    • Beschriftung: The softness of hygiene tissue, Link:
  • Zubehör inaktiv: Nein
  • Zubehör: Sample Punch
  • verwandte Produkte: BBT - Ball Burst Tester, TSA - Tactile Sensation Analyzer
Traditionally, the hand feel of a tissue product  has  been tested by the human hand, in the best case by human hand panels. The human feeling depends on several factors, e.g. personal and market specific preferences, the daily mood and the culture. A further disadvantage is the inability to feel the three basic haptic parameters, which determine the overall haptic impression of a material that is touched by the hand.  The emtec TSA Tissue Softness Analyzer objectively measures the micro-surface variations (feeling of softness), the macro-surface variations (feeling of roughness) and the in-plane...