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NÄCHSTE GENERATION WEICHHEITSMESSUNG wird enthüllt @ ITMA 2023 - Halle 4, Stand D313 Mehr lesen... FPO Fiber Potential Analyzer Online Der neue emtec FPO Fiber Zeta Potential Analyzer Online nutzt das etablierte Messprinzip des Labormessgerätes FPA touch! und liefert exakte Ergebnisse schnell und zuverlässig. Mehr lesen... ACA Ash Content Analyzer Messung des Gesamtfüllstoffgehalts sowie des prozentualen Anteils der einzelnen Komponenten von Papier und Karton, schnell, genau und zerstörungsfrei mit dem emtec ACA...

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General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions 1. Area of Applicability1.1 The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all business relationships between us and the Customer. Customers within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions are only business people. Business people within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions are natural persons or legal entities or partnerships with legal capacity who, when concluding the legal transaction, are functioning in their commercial or freelance professional capacity.1.2 Any deviating, contradictory or supplementary general terms and conditions are not constituent...

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Data protection declaration

Unless stated otherwise below, the provision of your personal data is neither legally nor contractually obligatory, nor required for conclusion of a contract. You are not obliged to provide your data. Not providing it will have no consequences. This only applies as long as the processing procedures below do not state otherwise.“Personal data” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Server log files You can use our websites without submitting personal data.Every time our website is accessed, user data is transferred to us or our web hosts/IT service providers...

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Directions 51.3581,12.4173 emtec Electronic GmbH Gorkistr. 31 04347 Leipzig Germany Get Directions

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